Division of pension rights for divorced couples | 1.02 |
Contributions OASI/DI/IC/UI
Benefits of the Old Age and Survivors’ Insurance - OASI
OASI old-age pensions and helplessness allowances | 3.01 |
OASI survivors' pensions | 3.03 |
Flexible retirement age | 3.04 |
Pension forecasts | 3.06 |
Stabilisation of the OASI (OASI 21) | 31 |
Benefits in the Event of Maternity/Paternity - LEC
Maternity benefit | 6.02 |
Allowance for the other parent (father or mother’s wife) | 6.04 |
Adoption allowance | 6.11 |
Benefits of the daily sickness allowance insurance office - DSA
Leaflet for insured persons | |
Leaflet for employers |
OASI/DI for people abroad
The voluntary old-age, survivors' and disability insurance scheme | 10.02 |
Information for Citizens (non-contracting states) | 10.03 |
International Social Security Agreement
Leaving Switzerland and moving to an EU or EFTA member state | 880 |
Social security in Switzerland | 890 |
All other Sections only available in G, F or I