Founding associations

The FAMILY COMPENSATION FUND OFFICE EXFOUR offers its services to the affiliated enterprises of a total of 7 branch associations

  • Schweizerischer Verband der Direktverkaufsfirmen (SVDF) 19581
  • Schweizerischer Pelzfachverband (SwissFur) 19581
  • Swiss Federation of Private Schools (SFPS) 1966
  • 1966
  • Ziegelindustrie Schweiz 20092
  • Interessengemeinschaft Keramik Schweiz (IGK) 20092
  • Vereinigung Schweizerischer Glasfabriken (GLAS) 20092

1 Establishment of the compensation fund office
2 Participation in the funding body of the FAMILY COMPENSATION FUND OFFICE EXFOUR

The branch associations are represented by several delegates in all bodies of the compensation fund offices and thus exercise their rights of co-determination.


The FAMILY COMPENSATION FUND OFFICE EXFOUR has its registered office and its premises in Basel. It is active throughout Switzerland and assists its clients in German, in French, in Italian and, more and more, in English. To simplify the transaction of administrative tasks the compensation fund office provides its own internet platform (connect). 

With a team of 30 employees the EXFOUR compensation fund offices want to support and relieve the employers, self-employed and insured affiliated to them and provide advice for the execution of numerous duties in a reliable and competent manner. 

The three housetops symbolize the three compensation fund offices: “Everything under the same roof” and are an emblem of the cross-functional range of services of the compensation fund offices EXFOUR.

Brief description

About 890 affiliated companies with approximately 480 branches and 44’900 employees appreciate the services of the FAMILY COMPENSATION FUND OFFICE EXFOUR who is privately operated and active in all 26 cantons. The compensation fund office is an association as defined in the civil code.


The companies affiliated to the FAMILY COMPENSATION FUND OFFICE EXFOUR with branches in several cantons settle the accounts for all cantons in Switzerland with just one compensation fund office in a single procedure. 

A considerable relief for the affiliated companies and their personnel administration is provided through the direct contact of the FAMILY COMPENSATION FUND OFFICE EXFOUR with the beneficiaries (obtaining of documents and papers) and the monitoring of the entitlement to family allowances. 

Advantageous contribution rates and an efficient information technology, taking into account the different cantonal allowance systems, are conductive to a cost-effective and efficient treatment of the allowance entitlements.

Key figures

Members Number
(as per 31.12.21)
Employers 834
Self-employed 27
Non-employed population 32
Total 893
branches 478
employees 44'900
  million CHF
Contributions 38
Allowances 37
(as per 31.12.21)
Persons entitled to allowances 7'400
Children entitled to allowances 12'700